The Max Wasserman Forum

The Max Wasserman Forum on Contemporary Art was established in memory of Max Wasserman (MIT Class of 1935), a founding member of the Council for the Arts at MIT. This public forum was endowed through the generosity of the late Jeanne Wasserman and addresses critical issues in contemporary art and culture through the participation of renowned scholars, artists, and arts professionals. The Forum is organized and presented by the MIT List Visual Arts Center.


Another World

The 2021 Max Wasserman Forum: Another World brings together artists, educators, and writers at the forefront of discourses on art in the digital realm to share their deep understandings and perspectives on digital media’s potential for more radical, imaginative, and limitless forms of cyber expressions. This is the online reimaging of the Wasserman forum presenting two pre-recorded panels that look further into ideas of power and building with a particular interest in the merging and fluidity between the human and artificial experience, and contemplating what is humanity now in light of our current climate, and culminating in a live closing keynote.


The List Visual Arts Center

The List Visual Arts Center, MIT’s contemporary art museum, collects, commissions, and presents rigorous, provocative, and artist-centric projects that engage MIT and the global art community. The List is a creative laboratory that provides artists with a space to freely experiment and push existing boundaries.


Parallel Program

The MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology presents the 2021 Symposium Unfolding Intelligence: The Art and Science of Contemporary Computation from April 1 -9, 2021.